Medication Guidelines for Parents

  •  Any time you desire for your child to have medication, the medication should be given at home. Medications prescribed to be taken 3 times a day or less should be given at home. This prevents unnecessary disruption of the school day. Many children, however, are diagnosed with a chronic or emergency condition requiring medication during school hours in order to allow them to attend school. Medication administration services exist to meet the needs of those students diagnosed with a chronic condition necessitating medication in the school setting. Click here to access Medication Forms. 

    Chronic Health Conditions:

    If your child is diagnosed with a chronic condition requiring medication or a health procedure to be administered while in school, during an afterschool program, while participating in a sport or extracurricular activity occurring before or after normal school hours, or when attending a field trip, you must notify and schedule a conference with the school nurse. You should understand and must comply with these guidelines as stated.

    If your child is not diagnosed with a chronic condition requiring medication in order to attend school and you wish for your child to have a medication while in school, the following options are available:
    • You may give the medication at home before or after school (you may speak with the medical provider to arrange an alternative schedule outside of school hours); or
    • You may come to the school to give the medication at the appropriate time; or
    • You may choose for administration in school according to medication administration guidelines.  

    General Policy Definitions:

    Medication- Any medicinal preparation, including prescription and over-the-counter (OTC or non-prescription) medications, controlled substances, and alternative medications

    Alternative Medication- Any over-the-counter enzyme, vitamin, essential oil, or supplement not regulated by the Federal Drug Administration, which may be construed as medication or is intended to treat/manage symptoms

    Medical Provider- Anyone legally authorized to prescribe a medication

    Notification and Authorization:

    ·         You must notify the school nurse if a health procedure or medication is to be administered in the school setting and submit all required documentation to the school nurse. The school nurse must verify and authorize all medications.

    ·        All procedures and all medication (as defined) require written authorization of both the parent/guardian and the medical provider, unless the medication is a single, age-appropriate, over-the-counter medication available for administration as a one-time course that does not extend beyond 10 consecutive school days; only written authorization of the parent/guardian is then required. Medical provider authorization is required if the medication needs to be available for administration longer than 10 consecutive school days or repeated as a second course.

    ·       The first dose of a new medication cannot be administered at school and must be given at home. Likewise, when a change in an existing medication’s dosage is prescribed, the first new dose cannot be administered at school.

    ·       Controlled substances cannot be authorized for administration for acute conditions. Only those controlled substances prescribed for a chronic condition are approved for administration in the school setting. If you wish for your child to have a controlled medication for any acute condition, including pain, it is best to give this type medication at home. You may come to the school to give your child his/her medication.

    Supply and Delivery of Medications:

    ·       You must provide and deliver all medication and necessary supplies. Students are prohibited from delivering medications.

    ·       You must check-in and verify every medication and all appropriate documentation with the school nurse. You may make an appointment with the school nurse to deliver and verify medications and documentation. Medication cannot be “dropped off.”

    ·       You must submit a separate medical order (Prescriber/Parent Authorization form) for each medication along with the medication(s). Medication cannot be accepted without the required documentation.

    No more than a 30 school-day supply of medication can be accepted at one time. The pharmacy can provide the appropriate supply of medication in a labeled container.

    Prescription Medication- must be provided in the original, pharmacy-labeled container. All information on the label and the authorization form must match.

    Asthma Inhalers, EpiPens, and Auvi-Q devices must have an attached pharmacy-label or be kept in a pharmacy-labeled box. The pharmacy can attach a label directly to the device for the school setting.

    Over-the-Counter Medications- Over-the-counter medication must be provided in the original, unopened, and sealed container with the manufacturer’s label and the child’s name. You must label the container with your child’s name without covering the manufacturer’s label (i.e. permanent marker).

    Medications Approved for Students to Self-Administer and/or Self-Carry:

    ·       It is recommended that all emergency medication be authorized for the student self-carry throughout the school day to ensure immediate access at all times. An additional supply of emergency medication is recommended for the health room. Only emergency medication can be kept with the student. Emergency medication includes:

    Ø Fast-acting asthma inhalers

    Ø EpiPen/Auvi-Q delivery devices

    Ø Glucagon and insulin

    ·       Self-administration medications include asthma inhalers, insulin, EpiPen, and Auvi-Q.

    ·       The school nurse is responsible for the final authorization of a student to self-administer and/or self-carry.

        Field Trips and Off Campus Sporting or Activity Events:

    ·       Emergency medications and those identified in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or as prescribed for a chronic condition are the only medications that may be administered on any field trip. Authorized staff members administer these medications according to the Medication Administration Guidelines of Auburn City Schools.

    ·       If your child will need to have medication that is not routinely being administered in the school setting while attending an extended day or overnight field trip, you must notify and submit all required medication and paperwork directly to the school nurse 2 weeks prior to the trip. All medications and documentation must be authorized by the nurse, verified with the medical provider, and packaged for the trip prior to the trip. No medications can be accepted within 48 hours of a trip.

    ·       You may choose to attend the trip with your child and give a medication.

    Expired, Discontinued, and Unused Medications:

    You must pick-up expired or discontinued medication within 5 days of the specified date and retrieve all unused medication before the end of the last school day. All medication remaining at the end of the last school day will be disposed of according to State Medication Administration Guidelines.


    ***All medication is administered according to the Medication Administration Guidelines of Auburn City Schools. If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse.
