Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Katie Dyer
Katie Dyer is the Digital Connections teacher at Drake Middle School. She has taught on and off since 1999, and the majority of her experience has been at Drake. Prior to being the Digital Connections teacher, Mrs. Dyer taught language arts and math throughout the years on a variety of teams around the school.
Mrs. Dyer has 2 children, who both attend schools within Auburn City, and her husband is an art teacher at Auburn High School. Originally from Pensacola, FL, she enjoys visiting the Gulf Coast, practicing yoga, watching movies, spending time with family and friends, and eating delicious food. She is an avid bread baker. Her dog, Josh Groban, is a beloved member of her immediate family. He sings like an angel.
Mrs. Dyer holds a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and a master's in Educational Leadership with a focus in the development of curriculum, both from Auburn University. War Eagle!