Title I Overview

Phone: 3348874900
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Gray Link, Title I
This is my 30th year in education and my 10th year at Cary Woods. I attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) as an undergraduate and received a Bachelors of Science degree in Elementary Education, grades 1-8. My post graduate work in Educational Leadership/Administration was completed at Louisiana State University(LSU) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I also was National Board Certified in the area of Middle Childhood Generalist, which covered all disciplines in grades 2-8. Before moving to Auburn, I retired from education in Louisiana. In Louisiana, I was a state Dyslexia Screening Specialist and Trainer of Trainers (including ADHD & social/emotional disorders). Helping students with Dyslexia and academic struggles has always been a passion for me. At Cary Woods, I am so happy to be able to help parents, students and teachers with anything needed.
What does it mean to be a Title 1 School?
Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for…
- Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards.
- Purchasing supplemental staff/ programs/ materials/supplies
- Conducting parent and family engagement meetings/trainings/activities
Being a Title I school also means parent and family involvement and knowing their rights under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) .
What does Title I provide for parents/guardians?
Title I provides opportunities for parents to develop plans and be engaged with the school and district, and to work as partners in supporting student academic success. Please contact Mrs. Link with any questions or suggestions.
Which students does Title I Serve and what do Title 1 programs offer?
Since Cary Woods Elementary is a full Title 1 school, we strive to support every student on campus. Most importantly, the Title 1 program helps to serve students who have demonstrated that extra assistance could impact their academic achievement success. It also helps to provide parent and family engagement opportunities such as Literacy Nights, Math Nights, and numerous other school activities.Title I programs can offer:
- Additional teachers and/or tutors
- Opportunities for professional development for school staff
- Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need
- A variety of supplementary teaching methods
- Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction
- A variety of opportunities for parents and families to stay informed and be involved and engaged with the school in supporting their child’s educational experience
Typically, the majority of monies allocated from the Title 1 Program to Cary Woods Elementary School are used to pay for the salaries of our Title 1 Teacher. Through monies allocated from district funds, we have been able to hire 3 tutors this year, to help with interventions. All three of our tutors have college degrees. This makes a combination of 5, along with our Instructional Coach, Mrs. Sherri Shiver, highly-qualified teachers and tutors who are able to provide interventions to our students at Cary Woods Elementary.
How does our school receive Title I money?
First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, each State Educational Agency sends money to school districts. The amount of money each school receives is determined by the number of students who receive free/reduced meals attending that school. Finally, Title I schools:- Identify the students who would benefit most from additional educational assistance based on specific criteria. Students do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services.
- Set goals and make plans for improving the skills of academically at-risk students at their school.
- Measure student progress to determine the success of the Title I program for each student.
- Develop programs for each individual student based on their achievement data in order to support/supplement regular classroom instruction.
- Any LEA with a Title I Allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of its Title I allocation for parent and family engagement.
- Of that 1%, 10% may be reserved at the LEA for system-wide initiatives related to parent and family engagement. The remaining 90% must be allocated to all Title I schools in the LEA. Therefore, each Title I school receives its portion of the 90% to implement school-level parent and family engagement with clear expectations and objectives for meaningful involvement.
- You, as Title I parents, have the right to be involved in how this money is spent. Typically, these monies go towards Family Math/Literacy Nights and/or materials/resources. Monies are also allocated to cover ALA and ANA paperwork that goes home, monthly.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Cary Woods' 1% allocated for Parent and Family Engagement was received $1,453.11.
Instructional Coach

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Sherri Shiver, Instructional Coach
Hello! This is my seventeenth year in the Auburn City School System and I feel it is a privilege to be part of a group of so many dedicated educators. This year will begin my twenty-fifth year of educational experience. I have a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and a master’s degree in Instructional Leadership and Administration. I have teaching experience in kindergarten, 1st grade, and 4th grade. I have also served as a Title I teacher assistant, and have been the Instructional Coach at CWES for the past ten years. I have a passion for teaching children that motivates me daily, and my greatest reward is seeing a student turn on a huge SMILE because they have succeeded!