The first grade art curriculum at CWES is based on the Alabama course of study for first grade art education:
Arts Education, Grade 1, Visual Arts, 2006
1.) Create works of art using a variety of techniques.
Example: creating prints and collages using found objects
• Creating works of art using a variety of subject matter, including still life paintings and portraitsExamples: still life painting of fruit in a bowl, family portraits
• Producing three-dimensional works of artExamples: found-object sculptures, clay sculptures such as pinch pots2.) Apply primary, secondary, and neutral colors; line direction; form; and space to create works of art.
- primary and secondary colors--mixing primary colors to achieve secondary colors in paintings of aliens,
- neutral colors--creating and painting sculptures similar to Charles Lucas' outdoor sculpture The New Breed,
- line direction--creating paintings similar to Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie,
- form--creating a work of art similar to Frederick Roth's sculpture Columbia Lion,
- space--creating figures using found objects such as spools and cardboard tubes3.) Identify neutral colors, form, and space in works of art.
- neutral colors--Georges Braques' Cubist still life paintings,
- form--Pueblo Indian ceramic storyteller sculptures,
- space--Alexander Calder's mobiles4.) Recognize similarities and differences in media, visual and tactile characteristics, and natural or man-made forms used in artwork.
- media--differences between tempera and watercolor paints,
- visual and tactile characteristics--Jacob Lawrence's collages versus Frank Stella's and George Seurat's paintings,
- natural or man-made forms--texture of pine cone versus texture of concrete block5.) Describe moods, feelings, and emotions depicted by a work of art.
Examples: dark room representing loneliness, sunny sky representing cheerfulness6.) Recognize artistic characteristics of various cultures, times, and places.
- cultures--dots in Aboriginal dream paintings,
- times--fashion depicted in Early American paintings,
- places--pyramids of Egypt
• Using digital media to view works of artExample: using a CD-ROM to view characteristics of works of art7.) Identify visual arts professions within a community.
Examples: landscape architects, sculptors, interior designers, museum curators