

  • Our Spring book fair continues online! Please use the link if your child was unable to get the books they desired!


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  • Important Dates


    February 19 First Percussion Ensemble rehearsal 

    February 19 PTO @ 11:30 

    February 26 4th Grade Field Trip to Montgomery 

    February 27 Spring individual pictures 

    March 7 Club Day/ Positivity Pep Rally

    March 10 - 14 Spring Break

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  • Birthday Ice Cream

    If you would like to order a birthday ice cream cone for all the students in your child’s homeroom, please email our Child Nutrition Program Manager, Mrs. Laney. Please provide the homeroom and the date you would like the ice cream. Please give at least one week’s notice to allow for ordering. Mrs. Laney will provide you with the number of students in the homeroom. Each ice cream cone costs $1. Payment can be made through My School Bucks.


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  • School Supply List for 2024-2025 School Year

    Yarbrough Elementary  

    2024-2025 School Supply List  

    3rd Grade:


    ·       Plastic Folders with pockets and prongs (1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red)

    ·       3 black marble composition notebooks

    ·       2” Clear View 3 Ring Binder

    ·       1 (24 pack) of Crayola crayons

    ·       1 set of 12-Crayola colored pencils

    ·       1 pack wide-ruled notebook paper

    ·       2 dozen pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils (Please purchase Ticonderoga)

    ·       6 count small Elmer’s glue sticks

    ·       1 package of thin highlighters

    ·       1 zipper pencil pouch with 3 rings

    ·       1 set of 10-page protectors

    ·       1 packs of dry erase markers black only (Expo preferred)

    ·       1 over the ear headphones (optional)


    4th Grade: 

    ·      2-inch binder

    ·      1 large zip pencil pouch with binder holes (no pencil boxes)

    ·      3 plastic folders with pockets and brads (1 green, 1 red, 1 blue)

    ·      1 pack of 200 count wide ruled paper

    ·      4 dozen sharpened #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils please)

    ·      2 Black marble composition notebooks

    ·      2-8 pack of black Expo dry erase markers (black only please)

    ·      2 packs of 12 colored pencils

    ·      1 pair of scissors

    ·      1 24 pack of crayons

    ·      2 Glue Sticks

    ·      1-10 pack of sheet protectors


    5th Grade:

    ·       6 plastic folders with brads and pockets (1 blue, 1 purple, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 orange)

    ·       1 pencil pouch

    ·       2 packs of 24 colored pencils

    ·       1 pack of 200 count wide rule notebook paper

    ·       5 dozen sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils

    ·       4 black marble composition notebooks

    ·       6 large glue sticks

    6 thick black dry erase markers




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