School Supply List

School Supply List for 2024-2025 School Year

Yarbrough Elementary  

2024-2025 School Supply List  

3rd Grade:


·       Plastic Folders with pockets and prongs (1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red)

·       3 black marble composition notebooks

·       2” Clear View 3 Ring Binder

·       1 (24 pack) of Crayola crayons

·       1 set of 12-Crayola colored pencils

·       1 pack wide-ruled notebook paper

·       2 dozen pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils (Please purchase Ticonderoga)

·       6 count small Elmer’s glue sticks

·       1 package of thin highlighters

·       1 zipper pencil pouch with 3 rings

·       1 set of 10-page protectors

·       1 packs of dry erase markers black only (Expo preferred)

·       1 over the ear headphones (optional)


4th Grade: 

·      2-inch binder

·      1 large zip pencil pouch with binder holes (no pencil boxes)

·      3 plastic folders with pockets and brads (1 green, 1 red, 1 blue)

·      1 pack of 200 count wide ruled paper

·      4 dozen sharpened #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils please)

·      2 Black marble composition notebooks

·      2-8 pack of black Expo dry erase markers (black only please)

·      2 packs of 12 colored pencils

·      1 pair of scissors

·      1 24 pack of crayons

·      2 Glue Sticks

·      1-10 pack of sheet protectors


5th Grade:

·       6 plastic folders with brads and pockets (1 blue, 1 purple, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red, 1 orange)

·       1 pencil pouch

·       2 packs of 24 colored pencils

·       1 pack of 200 count wide rule notebook paper

·       5 dozen sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils

·       4 black marble composition notebooks

·       6 large glue sticks

6 thick black dry erase markers