Clubs! Clubs! Clubs!

  • At a Glance: 21-22 Clubs at Ogletree with Days/Times


    Descriptions and Contact Information


    4H Club meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays.  A variety of programs are presented by a Lee County Extension Agent.  Due to overwhelming participation, we have had to limit numbers.  I am looking forward to a great year in 4-H Club!

    Contact: Jim Plaster



    Students must apply to be considered for an Ambassador position.  Students meet one Tuesday a month.

    Contact:  Heather Campbell or Amy Wall 


    Art Club

    Art Club meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays.  Due to overwhelming participation, we have had to limit our numbers. We are going to work on many fun projects each week! I am looking forward to a great year in Art Club!

    Contact: Sarah Goodling


    Birthday Book Club

    Participants may sign students up for this club at any time during the year. We will have two parties each year.  The first party will be held in the fall for June-Nov. birthdays.  The second party will be in the spring for December-May birthdays. On the day of the party, participating students will be called to the media center for a live magic show as well as a sweet treat. They will select a new hardback book with their name inside to donate to the media center after they have the joy of being the first person to check it out. Forms are available by clicking here (opens a PDF) or upon request, and the cost is $15 per child. 

    Contact: Audrey Barker


    Commercial Team

    (Not currently being offered 21-22 school year)

    If you are a 5th grader interest in participating as an actor/actress, filmer, or screen writer for a skit, this would be an excellent club for you to join.  Participants remain on the crew for an entire semester of school, and will be called to the library during the school day to create commercials for the morning news. 

    Contact: Audrey Barker


    Drama Club

    Drama club is an auditioned group of 4th and 5th graders. Students receive instruction in everything theater and perform in two shows per year. We meet on Thursdays from 2:25-3:30. 

    Contact: Phil Wilson



    Team Handball Club is open to 4th and 5th grade students at Ogletree who love sports and being physically active after school. Space is limited to 40 students, which will be selected by a lottery. Team Handball will meet on bi-weekly on Tuesday after school from 2:30-3:15.

    Contact: Quenton Mosely


    Korean Club

    Korean Club meets on Monday and Wednesdayfrom 2:30-3:30 in room B5.  This club gives students the opportunity to learn about the Korean language, experience Korean traditions in art and history, and engage in cultural games and activities. 

    Contact: Kristen Green


    News Crew

    Joining the OES Morning News Crew is a great way to become a student leader at Ogletree. Crew members arrive to school by 7:15 and begin working on their individual assignments to prepare for our LIVE show each morning. Applications are given to all 5th graders the second week of school and are due mid September. Remember, we have over 100 5th graders and we only have room for 6 members per team. If an applicant is not selected for a news crew team, they will automatically be invited to participate on our Commercial Team. (Commercial Team description above)  Applications are available on the LIBRARY webpage.

    Contact:  Audrey Barker and Phil Wilson


    Ogletree Singers 

    (Not currently being offered 21-22 school year)

    Ogletree Singers is an afterschool choir for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. The Ogletree Singers meet on Tuesdays from 2:25-3:20. We will perform two definite shows a year and sing at community events as they can be arranged.

    Contact: Phil Wilson


    Percussion Ensembles

    This club will meet on Tuesdays from 2:20-3:30.

    Contact: Phil Wilson



    Learn to code and build robots with Dr. Zutter.

    Contact: Bruce Zutter


    Science Olympiad (Information will be announced in October.)

    Science Olympiad is open to 4th and 5th grade students at Ogletree who love science, work hard, and can work both independently as well as with others. Students study and practice for science related events and then compete against students from other schools at the regional Science Olympiad Competition. Parents primarily serve as mentors for students as they prepare for events. Students prepare for events one or two days a week after school (Wednesday & Thursday 2:25-4:00 p.m.), as well as at home, during the months of January through March.
    Information regarding tryouts for the team will be distributed in late October. Students will be selected and complete an event preference survey, events assigned to students, two teams formed, and mentors chosen and assigned to events prior to Christmas break.

    Contact: Bruce Zutter


    Writing Club

    The creative writing club is open to students in 4th and 5th grades.  We will explore the craft of writing and the writing styles of authors, followed by  practice writes where we will be challenged to use a variety of techniques for wonderful writing!  Space is very limited and will be selected by lottery if more than 15 students apply.  We meet every other Thursday afternoon from 2:45-3:30.  Applications are available in the media center and on the LIBRARY webpage.

    Contact: Audrey Barker



    Unicycle is open to all students at Ogletree. Students will meet after school on Wednesdays or Thursdays from 2:30 - 3:30. If your student is interesting in joining, please contact our sponsor.  

    Contact:  Brad Hooks