• Library Policies & Procedures

    Library books image


    Book Check Out Policies

    K-1st grade students may check out one book at a time. 2nd grade students may check out two books at a time.

    Students may keep a book for up to two weeks. After the two-week time period, the book will be marked "overdue." New books may not be checked out until overdue books have been returned.

    Should a student finish his/her library book before the next assigned library day, that student may come to the library with teacher's permission to return the book and check out another one. 

     Lost or Damaged Books

    Students and staff are responsible for the actual cost of any library materials that are lost or damaged. In the case of a damaged book, the book should be returned to the library with an explanation of what happened. The librarian will determine if the book can be repaired or if it will need to replaced. Replacement costs may be paid on My School Bucks online, with cash (correct change only, please), or with check (made payable to RES) to cover the replacement cost. If an exact copy of the missing item cannot be obtained by the librarian, a similar title will be substituted.

    Once payment of the replacement cost is made, the money is deposited into the bank and cannot be refunded. If the missing item is located after payment, it becomes the property of your family or may be donated back to our library.  

    Please be aware that library books are becoming more and more expensive. The average cost of a library bound hardback children's book is now around $25.00, including processing fees. Many parents experience "sticker shock" when they are presented with a bill for lost library books.

    It is also important to know that the library cannot accept used or new copies of missing items in place of paying the replacement cost. Our books are purchased with special library bindings to make them more durable for heavy use.