• Dear Parents and Families of RES,


    First and foremost, we want to THANK YOU for all you do for our children, teachers/staff, and school. Without you, nothing that we do could be possible! As we wind up the school year, we wanted to send a “highlight” of all that we’ve been able to accomplish and provide to RES this year, because of your contributions and participation in Spirit Nights, Fundraisers, and PTO Memberships.

    • Welcome Back Breakfast
    • First Friday Snack Carts
    • Holiday Staff Lunch
    • Teacher Appreciation Week
    • Student of the Month Signs
    • Carline App
    • Student Snacks for special events like ACAP Testing, Art Show, etc.
    • Lexia
    • One Book, One School
    • Teacher/Staff of the Month
    • Teacher Grants


    As we start to think and plan for the upcoming school year, we wanted to share a few updates with you.



    • President- Hillary Parker
    • Vice President Hospitality- Marissa Miller
    • Vice President Fundraising- TBD!
    • Treasurer- Lee Sheppard
    • Secretary- Katie Starling
    • T-Shirt Coordinator- Natalie Whiteside
    • Hospitality Coordinator- Leah Gotthelf
    • Hospitality Coordinator- Christina Awbrey
    • Community Connections Coordinator- Kirby Farr
    • Room Parent Coordinator- Stephanie Willis
    • Social Media Coordinator- Rachel Shelton
    • Supply Kit Coordinator- Barrett Odom
    • Spirit Night Coordinator- Jessica Goodwin




    The easiest, cheapest way to order your child’s school supplies for next year is to order from 1st Day School Supplies. The supplies will be in your child’s classroom on the first day of school without you having to do anything except place your order!

    Each kit ordered will also contribute $3 directly to Richland Elementary. Please make sure to choose the correct grade for the 2024-2025 school year. If your child is going to Creekside for third grade, they use the same company so make sure to choose the correct school when ordering.

    Here is the link. https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com. Zip Code 36832. If you have any questions about school supply kits, reach out to Barrett Odom at odombarrett@gmail.com.



    RES Parents Facebook Page and RES PTO Instagram Page:

                   We have a Parents Facebook page that is a great place to find out information or ask questions. You can join at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/resparents/. Make sure to put your setting on ‘all notifications’ so you don’t miss anything!

                   We also started an Instagram account this year run by PTO. If you want to follow, the name is @richlandchampionspto.

                   Please share this information with new and incoming families as well!




                   PTO will have brief meetings on November 21st and May 1st from 5:00-5:15 in the Media Center during the Book Fair and prior to the Art Show. We would love for parents to attend to see who is on the PTO Board, ask any questions, give suggestions, etc.



    RES PTO Board


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