About the Teacher



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Henderson

I am Mrs. Henderson, and I am thrilled to join the Dean Road family this year! I graduated from Auburn University in 2007 with a Bachelors of Music Education and earned a Master of Science in Education degree from Walden University in 2020. I have fifteen years of teaching experience and have taught high school chorus, preschool, and students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Within Auburn City Schools, I have enjoyed teaching students at Auburn Early Education Center, Cary Woods, and now Dean Road Elementary. When I am not teaching music, I love to spend time with my husband, my children ages 11 and 8 and my two dogs.


Click here to email Mrs. Henderson


Overview of DRES Music Program

  • In the music room at Dean Road Elementary you will find many smiling faces. Our music program is based on the state and national music standards. Students are actively engaged in singing, dancing, moving, and playing instruments to music from all over the world. We study famous composers, learn basic music theory, and create our own musical masterpieces! Our children grow academically, socially, and emotionally as they create and enjoy making music together.


    Students learn how to play a variety of instruments including drums, maracas, tambourines, triangles, guiros, cowbells, rain sticks, and cabasas. They also learn how to play pitched instruments like the keyboard and xylophones. We enjoy learning musical concepts while we play games. All children have the opportunity to perform at our Veterans Day program, Winter Music Celebration, and PTO meetings throughout the year.


    My desire is to develop and inspire a life-long love of music in each child here at Dean Road Elementary School.