• East Samford School

    332 East Samford Ave | Auburn, AL 36830 | Phone: 334-887-1960 | Fax: 334-887-4160

    School Hours: Monday-Friday 8:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

    Dr. Duriel Barlow, Principal

    Lisa Jones, Assistant Principal


    The mission of East Samford School, the compass for guiding students through personal discovery in academic and social pursuits, is to guarantee that each student is empowered to explore their passions, enhance 21stcentury skills, and develop independence through a vital system distinguished by: 

    • Safe and nurturing environments
    • Rigorous academic challenges that are incorporated into innovative and diverse learning experiences
    • Engaged stakeholders who are invested in the social development and educational process
    • Inspired learners who are globally, socially, and emotionally accountable
    • A culture that values and develops digital literacy and prepares students to be responsible digital citizens.

    In order to accomplish the mission and goals at East Samford School, we have developed unique school structures and experiences for our students.
