Auburn City Schools 2035 Master Plan

ACS Master Plan


Auburn City Schools 2035 Facilities Master Plan: Click HERE to Access PDF


In January 2025, the Board of Education approved the 2035 Facilities Master Plan, a 10-year plan addressing the demolition, reconstruction and renovation of buildings and the impact of student growth on facilities capacity. This plan includes the construction of a second high school, renovation to the existing Auburn Junior High School, a new middle school, and the demolition and reconstruction of Dean Road and Wrights Mill Road Elementary Schools.   

2035 Facilities Master Plan includes $17 million in capital renewal costs and $366.8 million in renovation and new construction to complete full implementation. These projects will be funded through debt service instruments paid for with existing local funds through the 16 mill Special School Tax funds.  The school district continues to monitor student enrollment as it relates to the timing of projects included in the facilities master plan.