"Where's The Bus" App Available Now!
DOWNLOAD TODAY: Auburn City Schools recently introduced the opportunity for bus riders' parents to know their assigned bus's location using the free app "Where's the Bus."
Parents and guardians can see live updates, tracking, and the estimated time of arrival for buses. The school system's objective is to make this application the single communication mode between parents and the transportation department.
To create an account or view updates on a web browser or computer, go to https://wheresthebus.com or download the Where's the Bus app for your device; scan the appropriate QR code in the graphic to be directed to each app store.
Below are step-by-step instructions for setting up your free account.
First, you must know your child's birth date and Student ID number, found under "Demographic Information" within PowerSchool. If a family has multiple children who ride different buses, go to "Account Settings" and select "Add Rider."
Once you launch the app or website, please:
- Select "Create Account"
- Select "Auburn City Schools" from the District list
- Add Student
- Fill in the birth date and the Student ID
- Select "Save"
- Select "Continue" (this is the point where you can select "Add Rider")
- Fill out the required information, check the box, and select "Sign Up"
Use the Bus Stop Portal to locate your bus stop, time, and bus number. Click here to access the Bus Stop Portal.
Please click here for Drake Middle School's 2023-2024 bus route schedule.
Please contact ACS's transportation department for additional bus route information and questions. Phone number is 334-887-4915.
Don Ingram, SupervisorAdam Malone, Assistant SupervisorMark Sessions, Assistant SupervisorDee Davani, Route Scheduler